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GPOBA establishes Grid-Based OBA Fund to Provide Electricity to 100,000 Rural Homes in Uganda

On June 21, 2012, the International Development Association (IDA), acting as administrator of the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA), signed a Grant Agreement with the Government of Uganda to establish an Grid-Based OBA Fund.

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Uganda Reproductive Healthcare Voucher Project Wins IFC's SmartLessons Competition

GPOBA presented key lessons learned in the Reproductive Healthcare Voucher Project (RHVP) in Uganda through the International Finance Corporation (IFC) SmartLessons, a World Bank Group awards program which enables development practitioners to share lessons in development operations.

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Philippines: 700,000 People to Benefit from Improved Access to Health Services

News Release No 2012/02


In Washington:
Roger Morier, tel. (+1) 202 473 5675

In Manila:
David Llorito, tel. (+632) 917 3047

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Sri Lanka: 77,000 People in Poor Households to Benefit from Increased Access to Sanitation Services

News Release No 2012/01


In Washington:
Jacqueline Sibanda, tel. (+1) 202 458 2974

In Colombo:
Sandya Salgado, tel. (+94) 11 5561 325

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World Bank Approves Results-Based Lending Option

 Washington, DC: On January 24, 2012, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved a new results-based lending instrument -- the Program-for-Results (PforR). The new instrument aims offers the Bank's client countries more options for financing specific development programs including access to health care or water and sanitation services.

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International Year of Sustainable Energy for All


The International Year of Sustainable Energy for All (the Year), officially launched on January 16, 2012 at the 2012 World Future Energy Summit (the Summit) in Abu Dhabi, aims to focus the world’s attention on the critical role energy plays in sustainable development.

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Liberia: 16,806 Low-Income Households in Monrovia to Benefit from Electricity Connections

News Release  No 2011/03


In Washington:
Jacqueline Sibanda, tel. (+1) 202 458 2974

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Innovative Partnership Brings State-of-the-Art Health Care to Lesotho

A new hospital in Maseru is providing improved health care services to Lesotho’s citizens. The hospital and its three filter clinics are part of an innovative public-private partnership. About one-quarter of Lesotho’s population, particularly women and children, stand to benefit.

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Kenya: 66,000 Low-income Households in Slums to Benefit from Electricity Connections

News Release  No 2011/02


In Washington:
Jacqueline Sibanda, tel. (+1) 202 458 2974

In Nairobi:
Peter Warutere, tel. (+254) 20 322 6444

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Mongolia: Information and Communications Infrastructure Development Project

In 2005, when the World Bank started to support the development of the information and communications technology (ICT) sector in rural Mongolia, less than 30 percent of the soum (district) center villages had reliable telecommunications, even though one-third of Mongolia’s population live in such small centers.