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Video: In Ghana, Solar-Powered Mini-Grids Bring Security and New Economic Opportunities

Ghana provides electricity for 83% of its population, the second highest rate in Sub-Saharan Africa, but connecting isolated areas to the grid has proved very difficult. The solution: investing in solar-powered mini-grids like this one, built with support from IDA, the World Bank Group's fund for the poorest.

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Closing gaps and financing taps: The next step for rural water supply

Image: World Bank Water Blog


Publication | 2020

Bangladesh OBA Sanitation Microfinance Program

This case study is part of a series prepared by the World Bank’s Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA). The objective is to highlight project components that have enabled GPRBA to successfully deploy Results-Based Finance (RBF) approaches for the provision of basic services to low-income communities, with efficiency, transparency, and accountability.

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RBF for Municipal Solid Waste in Africa

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An Environmentally-Friendly Approach to Solid Waste Management in the Palestinian Territories

GPRBA's first project in the solid waste management sector was for the benefit of residents in the Bethlehem and Hebron governorates in the southern West Bank; components of this project included consruction of the Al-Minya Sanitary Landfill and the closing of dozens of illegal dumpsite, establishment of recycling facilities, and jobs training for waste pickers.

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Municipalities Learn from the Palestinian Experience in Waste Management

The ongoing refugee crisis in the Middle East is placing increased pressure on the region's environment and municipal services. capacity.

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Better Waste Disposal for Better Life in the West Bank

This IFC-produced video describes the pioneering solid waste management project for the Bethlehem and Hebron Governorates, and recognizes GPRBA's (ex-GPOBA) role in bringing the project to fruition.

Publication | 2020

Lighting the Way for Growth in Rural Myanmar

This publication by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), GPRBA's partner in the Myanmar Solar Power project, describes its role in the World Bank-funded National Electrification project to provide universal access to the country's rural populations by 2030.