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El Gas Natural en Colombia

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El Gas Natural en Colombia (version corta)

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Une vie meilleure au Maroc Eau et assainissement

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تمديد خدمات المياه والصرف الصحي للمناطق الفقيرة 1

This is the Arabic-language version of the Morocco Water and Sanitation video, a project that benefitted more than 52,000 residents in low-income communities. 

أسلوب المساعدات المستند إلى النواتج يجعل من مراقبة خدمات المياه أولولية بالنسبة لأكثر من 52 ألف أسرة مغربية.

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Indonesia South-South Knowledge Exchange

This video features the highlights of the South-South Knowledge Exchange (SSKE) co-sponsored by the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) -- and which hosted participants from the South Asia region (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Nepal).