June 2023 - Spotlight On RBF Forum

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This month’s edition of "Results Matters" shines a spotlight on the RBF Forum 2023, GPRBA's flagship knowledge event held in Nairobi, Kenya from May 22-25, 2023. The forum served as a platform for showcasing impactful projects, unveiling evidence of results-based financing (RBF) approaches in development, fostering knowledge exchange among RBF practitioners and thought leaders, and facilitating invaluable networking opportunities. Read more
Forum Highlights
Building a Path to Results: Three Vital Elements of Successful Outcome-Based Approaches
Drawing on her extensive experience in the field, Mara Airoldi, Academic Director of GO Lab at the University of Oxford, shares valuable insights into what practitioners need to consider when implementing RBF programs. Read More
RBF and Multi Urban Crises

Watch a brief discussion between Swati Sachdeva, Urban Specialist at GPRBA, and Melissa Kaminker, Senior Associate at Instiglio, as they explore the potential of the RBF instrument to address various crises affecting the world today. Watch here.
Before visiting the Kayole Soweto neighborhood, participants received a summary note that outlined the views of local residents and stakeholders on the physical and socio-economic changes brought about by infrastructure-led development in the community. The note was prepared using a range of research methods, including focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and household surveys. It provided an overview of the residents' perspectives on the extent of social transformation, the factors that contributed to the success of the investments, as well as the challenges faced throughout the process. Additionally, it also discussed sustainability of the improvements lessons for future investments. Read more.
RBF Bibliography

Results-Based Financing Bibliography
A bibliography of 239 articles on RBF is available on the GPRBA website. Read more.

Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles

Would you like to learn about the basic concepts and principles of results-based financing?  If so, take the self-paced online course here.     

This video highlights how results-based financing mechanisms can be used to disburse payments linked to actual results creating transparency and accountability to deliver successful development projects. Watch video.
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