February 2023 - Gender Issue

This month’s edition of “Results Matters” focuses on how results-based financing (RBF) can help close gender gaps. GPRBA’s RBF approaches bring together public and private sector funders to maximize resources and design effective incentives for service providers to reach underserved low-income communities, and to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment.
RBF programs have improved gender outcomes in a variety of ways, from targeting women-led households, to focusing on services that are particularly beneficial to women (such as water and sanitation, or safe mobility services), putting women at the center of the decision-making process, and securing land rights for women. In this issue, the newsletter presents key resources and examples of how RBF can be used to maximize gender outcomes in projects, cities, and countries.

Highlighted GPRBA Projects

Bangladesh: GPRBA’s Bangladesh OBA Sanitation Microfinance Program

The project took a step towards addressing the gender disparity present in the sanitation sector by putting women at the forefront of the household’s sanitation decision-making process. The project ensured women were placed as the primary interlocutors by working through the predominantly female microcredit groups and by changing local entrepreneur behavior to provide a ‘turn-key’ sanitation service ‘at the doorstep’ of the household. This shifted the dialogue from the delivery of the sanitary components of a latrine, negotiated by men in the market, to the delivery of a sanitation service, negotiated by women at their home.
Read the case study

West Bank and Gaza: Real Estate Registration Project 

Access to land and real estate in the Palestinian territories remains one of the largest impediments to economic growth. In addition, women remain marginalized in terms of property ownership and land rights. This project seeks to expand access to higher quality land administration services through results-based approaches by advancing and accelerating the registration of properties in Areas A and B of the West Bank. The project seeks to increase the percentage of beneficiaries with final ownership rights registered including women and to reduce the time it takes to register property rights.
Read more

Uganda Reproductive Health Voucher Program

The objective of the project was to enhance access to safe maternal healthcare during pregnancy, delivery, and postnatal stages for poor women residing in rural and disadvantaged areas. This initiative subsidized safe maternal healthcare for pregnant women in southwestern and eastern Uganda. The project's expansion of service providers resulted in improved access to care for women, with a wider selection of facilities available, and subsequent decreases in barriers such as distance and cost. More than 175,000 women benefited from the program, and the increase in revenue helped many providers to obtain much needed equipment, hire staff, and improve service overall. Read the case study. 


How to Close Gender Gaps with Results-Based Financing in Urban Projects

This report serves as a tool to project teams working on RBF projects in the urban sector (including solid waste management and tenure security). It provides sector-specific entry points, key questions to consider, and sample objectives and indicators that can be used to consider how RBF can be used to close the gender gap.

Results-Based Financing for GBV and WE in Mozambique 

This report presents key findings from a 3-day webinar on RBF for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence (GBV) and women’s empowerment (WE), with the objective of guiding development partners in Mozambique on how to integrate results-based approaches in their operations. The report includes a roadmap for operationalizing RBF for GBV prevention/response and WE, borrowing from GPRBA’s toolkit on How to Close Gender Gaps with RBF in GBV and adapting the guidance to the Mozambican context.

Securing Land and Property Rights: Exploring the Scope for Results-Based Financing Approaches

This report looks into the question of how RBF can be a useful tool in helping secure tenure and property rights, as well as streamlining the titling process, modernizing land administration services, enhancing land administration staff's capacity and ongoing training, and improving the relationship with clients. This report also looks into the test case of applying results-based payments for improvements in systematic land registration in the West Bank. 


Blogs & Feature Stories

How Can Results-Based Financing Help in Securing Land and Property Rights?

Securing land tenure is key to urban development, sustainable agriculture, environmental protection, and job-creating investments. It can help women to become economically empowered, support indigenous communities’ rights, foster peace and mitigate fragility. Financing the development of such a plan requires targeting and accountability.

An RBF approach ensures implementation focuses on schemes on what matters, helping the most vulnerable and marginalized communities to help bridge the financing gap they face in seeking access to land tenure.

Using OBA/RBF to improve gender equality

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address key development challenges and women’s empowerment is central to achieving these goals. While SDG Goal 5 is specifically dedicated to achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls, and it is widely agreed in the international development community that gender equality is an essential part of economic development, gender equality is achieved when women and men, girls and boys, have equal rights, conditions, opportunities and power to shape their own lives and affect society. The Strategies of our donors and partners identify gender equality as smart development policy and business practice, and many of them have made it a cornerstone of their agendas.
Gender and women’s empowerment are a feature in several GPRBA projects, with specific targeting and consideration around access for women and girls. 

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