What is GPRBA?
Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA) is a global partnership program in the World Bank Group. Through a diverse portfolio of projects, GPRBA funds, designs, demonstrates, and documents results-based financing (RBF) approaches to improve the delivery of basic services in developing countries. Large development projects too often fail to include the poor, and GPRBA is dedicated to making sure the poor and marginalized have access to electricity, water, sanitation, health care, education, and other basic services necessary for growth and opportunity.

What does GPRBA do?
GPRBA provides grant funding to projects covering education, energy, health, solid waste management, and water and sanitation. In addition, several studies to find the applicability of Output-Based Aid/Results-Based Financing (OBA/RBF) in new sectors and environments have been conducted in urban transport, urban infrastructure, and affordable housing in urban settings.

What are the core activities of GPRBA?
Grant projects are at the core of GPRBA’s business model, and implementation of these projects provides the evidence and lessons from success and failure to document best practices. Grant projects are in a diverse range of sectors: energy, water, sanitation, health, solid waste management, education, and telecoms.

What is thematic focus of the GPRBA?
Given both the pace of urbanization and the climate crisis, GPRBA will leverage its considerable experience in results-based approaches and innovative financing to focus on new areas and issues. Some of the new thrust areas for GPRBA directly reflect donor emphasized priorities—a greater attention to gender and inclusion as well as fragility and forced displacement through both new knowledge and technical assistance.

Which sectors does GPRBA provide grant funding for?
The GPRBA provides grant funding to projects covering education, energy, health, land administration, solid waste, telecommunications, water, and sanitation.  

What is RBF? 
Results-based financing (RBF) includes a range of financing mechanisms where financing is linked and provided after the delivery of pre-agreed and verified results. RBF approaches can play a significant role in the delivery of infrastructure and services.

How is RBF making a difference? 
The RBF approaches have been used in various forms across a range of sectors. While some approaches are generally applied, others are more sector specific. The principles and requirements of the different approaches vary in their application.


Who are GPRBA’s donors? 
In 2003, the World Bank Group and the U.K. Department for International Development—now Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)—established GPRBA as a World Bank– administered trust fund. Four additional donors subsequently joined the Partnership: The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). In 2020, GPRBA launched the Outcomes Fund with FCDO to support OBF and other results-based blended finance approaches at scale. During the years of successful partnership among the donors and the World Bank, through the flexible use of multifaceted RBF initiatives, GPRBA has expanded its focus to achieve greater impact.

How many countries and beneficiaries have been reached with GPRBA funding?
GPRBA provided grant funding for 58 projects in 33 countries that have reached over 13 million beneficiaries.

How can I access the GPRBA knowledge products, reports, and resources?
GPRBA knowledge resources can be accessed through our website www.gprba.org/knowledge/resources

Do you have a newsletter? How do I subscribe? 
Results Matters is an e-newsletter presenting a range of themed knowledge products and activities on results-based financing (RBF) mechanisms for development. Subscribe here  and ensure delivery of this newsletter to your inbox. To enable images to load in future mailings, please add rbfinfo@gprba.org to your e-mail address book or safe senders list. 

What is the RBF Bibliography? 
This bibliography is a compilation of literature published in Results-Based Financing from 2010 to 2021. This compilation and includes a collection of 227 published papers, journal articles and brief articles. The methodology included searching for published literature using the key words pertaining to results-based financing through credible search engines such as World Cat, a global catalog of library collections, and google scholar. The top relevant searches were included in the bibliography. The bibliography can be filtered by RBF instrument, sector, and theme.  

Elearning: E-Learning on Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles 
This course introduces results-based financing and the role that results-based approaches can play in delivering infrastructure and services. It also explains the key concepts and principles behind results-based financing approaches. Enroll via the World Bank's Open Learning Campus Platform.
(Note: First-time users from outside of the World Bank will need to create an account to enroll)

Social Media – Linkedin 
For more online stories, the latest updates on projects and beyond please visit the GPRBA LinkedIn page.

All GPRBA knowledge products, reports and resources as well as news and activities are regularly updated and shared on our website  www.gprba.org.