Zambia: Evaluation of the Use of Electricity by MSEs

Dissemination|Activity Status: Closed
  • Sector
  • Country
  • Amount
  • Approval Date
    June 28, 2016
    Closing Date
    August 31, 2018
  • Donors



The development objective of this programmatic activity was to promote productive use of electricity by the micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and to evaluate the behavioral changes of the MSEs after accessing electricity in targeted urban and peri-urban Zambia.

All the activities have been completed. They were conducted in conjunction with the MSE typology TA described above. The MSE survey had 1,814 baseline respondents, including the control group, 90% of whom were surveyed for the endline. The MSE evaluation concluded that micro-entrepreneurs continued using and paying for the electricity connections obtained under the GPORA project. As regards electricity consumption and purchase of appliances, MSEs from food-related businesses were predominantly buying fridges. Otherwise, electricity was used for lighting, TV/radio and small appliances. The project encouraged transition from more expensive diesel generators and also from wire-tapping, contributing to fire safety and customer regularization. A charcoal/kerosene switching survey of 500 households was added at the endline. It found that the use of fossil fuel for lighting is negligent. As to cooking, the survey found a limited but encouraging evidence of water boiling with an electrical appliance. To heat water for cooking or bathing/washing, 52% use a wood/charcoal stove (Mbaula) while 33% use electric kettles or heating elements. Going forward, 63% were thinking of getting an electrical appliance for cooking.