Uganda: Investment Project Financing (IPF) project preparation for RBF supported activities

Technical Assistance|Activity Status: Closed
  • Sector
  • Country
  • Amount
  • Approval Date
    April 16, 2018
    Closing Date
    July 31, 2018
  • Donors



The development objective of the proposed Agribusiness and SME Development Project (AGSME) (formerly CEDP2) is to strengthen conditions for private sector led growth and boost job creation by: improving the business environment, increasing firm growth in agribusiness, upgrading innovation capacity of SMEs, enhancing market linkages and promoting entrepreneurship, and improving micro- small- medium-sized entreprises' access to finance. This will be based on supporting the GoU in fostering innovation, enhancing competitiveness of the agribusiness sector by developing effective industrial infrastructure with linkages to small and medium enterprises through targeted interventions, such as strengthening links between agriculture and manufacturing, improving quality infrastructure and generating investments, and upgrading financial infrastructure and services (e.g. agri-insurance). 
